Everyone is acquainted with the seven- or eight-year-old with the toothless smile. Those missing front teeth are the topic of songs, humor and many a birthday or Christmas wish. Less noticeable is the transition from the loss of primary teeth to the eruption permanent molars around the age of six. Each permanent tooth that comes in is important to your child’s oral health, but new molars have a feature that makes them more susceptible to decay.
These permanent teeth come in at a time when your child is most likely just getting the hang of good oral health. This means even though he or she may be brushing their teeth on their own, chances are those back teeth are not getting as clean as they need to be to prevent dental decay. One of the reasons for this is the topography of the surface. These new molars have deep grooves and fissures that provide plaque and harmful bacteria the perfect environment for brewing trouble. Fortunately, there is a way to protect these precious teeth.
Dental Sealants
New molars can be protected from the ravages of tooth decay by following a good oral hygiene regime, ensuring your child is eating healthy foods and not too much sugar and having regular dental checkups. Dental sealants are another major factor in winning the battle against decay in permanent molars.
Dental sealants are made from resin or glass ionomer. A thin film of the product is laid down over the surface of the tooth. Because it is liquid, it fills in the grooves and fissures, not so much to affect the function of the tooth, but enough to seal off the places where decay is most likely to develop. Dental sealants prevent harmful acids and bacteria from attacking the tooth enamel. This is a most effective way to prevent cavities from developing in your child’s molars.
As your child begins to lose primary teeth and permanent teeth erupt, remember these new teeth are meant to last the entirety of your child’s life. It’s important to take good care of them in these early years. Help your child get off to a good start with great oral hygiene, a healthy low-sugar diet and regular dental checkups.
We can help you keep your child’s teeth in their best condition at Mansouri Family Dental Care & Associates. Contact us today to get started with optimal oral care for all your family members.
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4720 Lower Roswell Rd
Marietta, GA 30068
Phone: (770) 973-8222
Email: MFamilyDental@gmail.com
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm